Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion board has many applications and uses aside from the common practices of this social media site such as sharing your status or updating your contacts on day-to-day tasks. The Twitter platform can be used by companies to track and monitor the feedback of their products or can be sourced by users to find out information about a company and their agenda such as community involvement. Twitter, compared to a BlackBoard discussion board, is much more dynamic and offers a two-way system of feedback that allows for your audience to not only listen to what you have to say, but also allows you the option to respond directly. This direct line of communication eases tensions throughout the platform and holds the author accountable to the audience in which he/she is targeting. The BlackBoard discussion board on the other hand allows users to comment under a thread, but strings out lists of comments and offers little means of carrying out a dialogue.
Twitter compared to an in-class discussion has certain benefits as well. The most prominent benefit being that Twitter limits the characters used in a post so as to keep the message short and straight to the point. Often times we find ourselves trapped inside of a conversation that is seemingly endless where the narrative goes on and on and the main points are missed due to an abundance of detail. Twitter limits this and offers an easier mode of communication that can be done all over the world and in a fraction of the time an in-person conversation would last. Also, the hashtag (#) feature allows you to connect with other people speaking about the same topic as you on Twitter and gives you insights beside your own point of view to consider.


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