Wiki So Far
New media encompasses an extreme variety of platforms, software, and technology that affect the way we as individuals view society and alter the way we interact with one another on a preeminent level. One way new media has taken a drastic turn in our lives is through the application to sports, in particular, football. Football players, coaches, staff, and the NFL organization as a whole have revolutionized as well as reintegrated the use of social media as a form of mass media to the public. The research I have conducted so far is detailed in the applications of new media in the sports sector of the NFL (National Football League) and related to the means by which this channel of communication enables players to interact with one another, with their fan base, and with the organizations they are hired by. Real-time updates on health conditions or trades / releases made by a team largely effect the performance of that team for the season which have major implications to the millions of Americans at home who root for these teams and players to do well. The NFL has grown into a huge sport that is increasingly popular in countries outside of the U.S. and that is in part due to the influence new media has had on sharing the content of games across the globe and extending fan bases throughout the nation. Now, more than ever, fans are able to keep up to date with their favorite teams, interact with management and coaches, and even weigh in on draft choices and the sustainability of a player. I hope to discuss all of these details in the class wiki page and explore how this sport has integrated new media into almost every aspect of operation. I plan to edit the "sports" page section as well as add new information regarding how sporting event are analogous with new media and the importance of efficiency / effectiveness of communication in sporting events. All in all, I believe this section will be very useful to sports fans across the board in informing them of the new steps that sporting teams are taking and the overall direction that these organizations are headed in.
I agree with your approach to making edits and contributions on Wiki by choosing sports. I find that choosing a topic you are very knowledgeable in makes the process much easier because you can go more in dept. You can utilize your knowledge in sports to really help others like you. This is the same reason I chose Religion because I know a lot about my own religion and I would love if even one person can benefit from it.