
Showing posts from November, 2019

Next New Media

A new type of media that I would suggest, which does not currently exist, would be a smart phone application that would be used to enhance ride-share in crowded cities. Now more than ever, humans rely on transportation like ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft to get from point A to point B without having to drive themselves and spend hours looking for parking or dealing with the congestion of city life. A new application I would propose would be an additional feature that alerts passerby's of your generic intended location for your next commute and if they have the app, they as well can participate in your commute and join you on your ride until the driver arrives at each specific location. Although Uber and Lyft have integrated "pool" service, there is an inconvenience since passengers are picked up at different locations. This form of new media will allow for an easier and more efficient ride. This will not only benefit the environment and community, but also re

Wiki So Far

New media encompasses an extreme variety of platforms, software, and technology that affect the way we as individuals view society and alter the way we interact with one another on a preeminent level. One way new media has taken a drastic turn in our lives is through the application to sports, in particular, football. Football players, coaches, staff, and the NFL organization as a whole have revolutionized as well as reintegrated the use of social media as a form of mass media to the public. The research I have conducted so far is detailed in the applications of new media in the sports sector of the NFL (National Football League) and related to the means by which this channel of communication enables players to interact with one another, with their fan base, and with the organizations they are hired by. Real-time updates on health conditions or trades / releases made by a team largely effect the performance of that team for the season which have major implications to the millions of Am


File sharing has grown into a revolutionary aspect of new media in which, based on varying levels of access, one is able to transfer or share files to another system through an internet connection. This has many applications to the real world such as making a coherent group assignment easier to access for all parties involved, or for transmitting critical data from one system to another whilst being discreet and efficient. File sharing encompasses all formats of data one can imagine, from songs to documents to personal information and password schemes. P2P file sharing (peer to peer file sharing) is the transaction of sharing or transmitting a file from one party to another and the intended party of whom the transmission was directed is able to search for this file through a software that allows the user to search across devices to locate the file requested. Some examples of P2P file sharing are similar to the ones shared above, such as transferring and downloading music, photos, even


New media, similar to other growing applications of technology in the digital age we live in today, is faced with the enormous challenge of privacy. Many of us find ourselves asking where does it end and why our privacy isn't truly our own anymore.  With the fields of big data and data mining growing in popularity and importance, our personal data is now much more than our own. Social networking and media sites sell our data essentially to the highest bidder with lack of concern of what this information is being used for. Many users unknowingly sign over the rights for these large conglomerate companies to do this without even knowing. This is due in part because of the workings of privacy policies and the intricacies they entail, such as that of Facebook where an article in the Atlantic Wire article by Greenfield displayed how a relative to Mark Zuckerberg himself was unfamiliar with the privacy policies of Facebook and lashed out when a picture of her family was shared with the

Improvement to Baruch College using New Media

If I were a consultant hired by CUNY Baruch College to make improvements to the establishment using new media, the first change that would go into effect would be communications. The hierarchy structure between students, professors, administration, department heads and deans is clearly in need of some serious work.  Emails have grown distant as an effective means of communication and there are new media outlets such as an interactive webpage that allows users to post concerns regarding material offered in each course with a direct link for professors or individuals within a department to respond so as to facilitate a discussion. This would be beneficial to a wider range of students as well since many have similar questions they would like to be answered. Another way new media can be applied to Baruch College would be through testing and examinations. Study groups take up time, are not always as helpful as you'd expect and can prove to be a hassle when preparing for more than one ex